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Date : October 13, 2011
ICNK Letter To Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong-il
General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and Chairman of the National Defence
Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Dear Chairman Kim Jong-il,
We represent a variety of non-governmental organizations representing millions of concerned citizens around the world who have established an international coalition to address crimes against humanity in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). We are united in this effort because we are concerned for the well-being of the North Korean people and we seek to help your country develop as a genuinely peaceful and rights-respecting nation,
respected as such by the rest of the world.
Access is urgently needed for independent and neutral human rights monitors, in particular the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the DPRK. Your government should extend an immediate invitation to the Special Rapporteur, who should be allowed to determine his work schedule and appointments, including visits to all detention facilities, in particular the kwan-li-so (political prison camps). Cooperation with UN human rights mechanisms is incumbent on every UN member state, yet the DPRK has regretfully failed to live up to its
responsibilities in this regard. 
We also urge you to invite the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and other international monitors to visit all penal institutions, including the kwan-li-so in order to end abuses in those centers. There is growing concern in the international community about the conditions of detention in the kwan-li-so, and we believe that the DPRK should immediately address these concerns and become far more transparent, accountable and
accessible with regard to its penal institutions.
To respond to the ongoing humanitarian crisis, we first appeal to you to provide access to the DPRK to international humanitarian organizations. We are also seriously concerned about the food shortages in the DPRK and the humanitarian crisis that has developed as a result.
If the international community is to effectively help your people, we believe it is vital that international monitors from the World Food Programme (WFP) and other UN agencies are provided with unfettered access to monitor the distribution of food assistance in the DPRK.
We urge your government to make public guarantees to provide such continued and unfettered access so that the international community is better prepared to prevent a humanitarian crisis in the DPRK.
We urge you to immediately release all abductees who have been kidnapped from other countries and taken to the DPRK or, in the cases where those abductees have died, to provide clear and incontrovertible proof of their demise to the relatives of the abductees.
We urge your government to see this as a matter of family reunification for abductees who have been deprived of their families for far too long.
We appeal to you to end all executions, stop the deliberate and systematic use of torture, close the kwan-li-so, and immediately end the practice of forced labour in penal institutions. We also urge your government to immediately join the International Labour Organization (ILO), which can provide appropriate technical advice on how to ensure an end to forced labor in the DPRK.  
Finally, we urge your government to publicly proclaim that it will respect the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and all other international human rights conventions and treaties to which the DPRK is a party. The government should revise all laws and regulations to bring them into compliance with the international standards of freedom of conscience and religion, __EXPRESSION__, association and assembly, and movement, and ensure that these rights are respected in practice by the DPRK government and its officials in all parts of the country.
We look forward to your timely response on these important matters.
Yours sincerely,
  Advocates International Global Council
  Amnesty International
  Asia Justice and Rights
  Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances
  Asian Human Rights & Humanity Association of Japan
  Burma Partnership (Thailand)
  Christian Lawyers Association for Paraguay
  Christian Solidarity Worldwide
  Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (USA)
  Conectas (Brazil)
  Council for Human Rights in North Korea (Canada)
  Freedom House (USA)
  Free NK Gulag (ROK)
  Free North Korea Radio (ROK)
  Han Voice (Canada)
  HH Katacombs (ROK)
  Human Rights in Asia (Japan)
  Human Rights Watch
  Human Rights Without Frontiers (Belgium)
  Inter-American Federation of Christian Lawyers
  International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
  COMJAN (Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North Korea)
  Japanese Lawyers Association for Abduction and Other Human Rights Issues in North Korea
  Jubilee Campaign (USA)
  Justice for North Korea (ROK)
  Kontras (Indonesia)
  Liberty in North Korea - LiNK (USA)
  Life Funds for North Korean Refugees (Japan)
  Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights (ROK)
  NK Intellectual Solidarity (ROK)
  No Fence (Japan)
  North Korea Freedom Coalition
  Odhikar (Bangladesh)
  Open North Korea (ROK)
  People In Need (Czech Republic)
  PSALT NK (Prayer Service Action Love Truth for North Korea)
  The Simon Wiesenthal Center (USA)
  The Society to Help Returnees to North Korea (Japan)
  Students Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea (ROK)
  Young Defectors' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (ROK)
  Tomoharu Ebihara