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Date : January 5, 2021
NK Watch - The Quest for Justice
   https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/HR-in-DPRK.aspx [1362]

The Quest for Justice: A Former Prison Guard from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea speaks out

As a former prison guard in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), Mr. Ahn Myung-chul knew better than anyone what awaited people in the countrys political prison camps.

Now a founder of the non-governmental organisation, NK Watch, he and his colleagues have documented the suffering of hundreds of people from the DPRK and submitted detailed petitions on behalf of the victims and their families. 

NK Watch recently shared 768 petitions with the UN Human Rights Offices information and evidence repository, which was specifically developed to preserve and analyse evidence and information on human rights violations in the DPRK. By consolidating large amounts of diverse information in one location managed by the UN, the repository can be useful for pursuing legal accountability, for truth-telling and developing a historical record. ......

[Source: OHCHR]

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