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Date : July 4, 2019
CSIS Korea Chair 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
   https://youtu.be/IL0x4tcWlP8 [1668]

CSIS Korea Chair 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

In 2009, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) created the first permanently endowed program on Korea at a major U.S. think tank. A bi-national committee led by CSIS counselor and trustee Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski selected Dr. Victor Cha as the inaugural chair holder of the Korea Chair.

In the past ten years, the Korea Chair at CSIS has become a leading policy studies program on the United States and Korea, employing scholarship, satellite imagery analysis, data, and cutting-edge research methods to lead a policy dialogue on issues related to the Korean peninsula. We look forward to continuing to lead with our research in the coming decades.

To mark this ten-year anniversary of the creation of the Korea Chair, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, will host a special celebration event on the evening of June 24.

[Source: The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)]

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