Developing Negotiating Strategies for Dealing with North Korea | 9/20/18
The decision on August 17 by President Donald Trump to cancel Secretary Mike Pompeos trip to North Korea highlights the challenges of negotiating with North Korea. If talks with Pyongyang are to be successful, the United States and South Korea need to develop a strategy that allows them to advance their mutual interests while addressing the difficult issues moving forward such as the best format for discussions, how to maintain alliance cohesion, and how to approach ending the Korean War and building a peace process with North Korea.
Please join KEI for an important discussion of how to develop a negotiating strategy for successfully advancing relations with North Korea.
A Discussion with:
Chun Yungwoo
The Korean Peninsula Future Forum
Former National Security Advisor & Former Six-Party Talks Negotiator
Laura Rosenberger
Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy & Senior Fellow
German Marshall Fund
Former NSC Director for China and Korea
Kathleen Stephens
President & CEO
Korea Economic Institute of America
Former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea
Moderated by:
Troy Stangarone
Senior Director for Congressional Affairs & Trade
[Source: Korea Economic Institute of America]