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Date : October 15, 2020
YouGov Survey on American Attitudes Towards the Korean Peninsula
   https://youtu.be/zmYQvcg6fu4 [1253]

YouGov Survey on American Attitudes Towards the Korean Peninsula | October 1, 2020

Shortly after the end of the Korean War in 1953 the United States and South Korea signed their Mutual Defense Treaty. On the 67th anniversary of the Mutual Defense Treaty, how does the American public view the alliance and the U.S.-Korea relationship today? Should the United States continue to have troops stationed in South Korea? Do Americans believe that economic cooperation with South Korea is beneficial to the United States and are they aware of South Korean brands? In the case of North Korea how important is it to the American public that North Korea gives up its nuclear weapons and that progress is made on human rights?

Please join KEI for a discussion of these and other challenges for U.S.-Korea relations as KEI releases the results from its first annual survey in cooperation with YouGov on American attitudes towards the Korean Peninsula.

A Discussion with:

Troy Stangarone, Senior Director and Fellow, Korea Economic Institute of America

Juni Kim, Senior Manager for Operations and Technology, Korea Economic Institute of America

Moderated by Alex Ward, Staff Writer, International Security and Defense, Vox Media

[Source: KEI]

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