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Date : July 26, 2020
Families Divided by the Korean War
   https://youtu.be/aif46-7qYvU [1215]

Unfinished War, Unfinished Questions: Families Divided by the Korean War

The division of the Korean Peninsula and the devastating war that followed displaced and separated millions of families. Even after 70 years, family separation remains as one of the most emotional and tragic legacies of the Korean War.With tight restrictions on foreign travel and communication in North Korea, separated families have limited ways to find and contact their families in the North. The sporadic government-sponsored reunions only occur when the political climate is in their favor. Even then, thousands of families, including the member of Korean diaspora in the United States, do not get to participate.

Please join us for a panel discussion on divided families in both South Korea and the United States with Ms. Soojin Park and Mr. Paul Lee. The panel will be moderated by Ambassador Robert King, former U.S. Special Envoy for North Korea Human Rights.

This event will be livestreamed on Zoom with an interactive Q&A session.


Soojin Park, Public Policy Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center

Paul Kyumin Lee, President Divided Families USA, Program Assistant for Youth Programs, U.S. Institute of Peace

Moderated by:

Ambassador Robert King, Former U.S. Special Envoy for North Korea Human Rights, Non-Resident Fellow

[Source: Korea Economic Institute of America]

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