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Date : May 11, 2020
Instability in North Korea
   https://youtu.be/sivvM-EOMDE [1451]

Instability in North Korea: A Conversation with David Maxwell

Over the last week there have been a growing number of questions about Kim Jong-uns health. If his health issues were to lead to a succession crisis in North Korea, the situation could become unpredictable. In an evolving situation in North Korea, what are the key changes inside North Korea that the United States and South Korea should focus on in analyzing the situation? What potential challenges could the alliance face from instability and what steps can it take to prepare for those potentialities?

Please join KEI for a discussion with David Maxwell of how to manage instability in North Korea should it develop.

This event will be live streamed on Zoom with an interactive Q&A session.


David Maxwell

Senior Fellow

Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Moderated by:

Troy Stangarone

Senior Director and Fellow

[Source: Korea Economic Institute of America]

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