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Date : May 9, 2022
The worst spring famine since the start of COVID-19
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-koreans-face-worst-spring-famine [696]
North Korea faces the worst spring famine since the start of COVID-19 

This years grain prices in North Korea are the highest since the start of COVID-19, with 1Kg of rice selling above KPW 5,000 since April and 1Kg of corn selling between KPW 2,700 and 2,850 as of May 1. 

The rise in rice prices happened after the closure of the borders in 2020 and corn prices rise might be due to the expansion of wheat cultivation at the expense of corn, ordered by Kim Jong Un in a policy speech in September 2021. However, a damage in wheat and barley crops by snowfall was reported, as well as a possibility of drought that might happen due to lack of rainfall. 

[Source: Daily NK]

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