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Date : October 29, 2020
Choe Son Hui underwent three months forced labor
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/choi-sun-hee-recently-underwent-three- [1014]
Choe Son Hui recently underwent three months forced labor

When the two clashed because of their failure to see eye-to-eye on policy toward the US, the Central Committee reportedly told them that they should submit separate proposals and let the party leadership make the final decision, rather than try to agree upon a single policy proposal.

The source claimed that, consequently, Ri and Choe submitted their proposals to the party leadership in July. Ultimately, the leadership took Ris side, and Choe was punished.

Some in the country reportedly claim that Ris proposal document contained not only policy proposals, but also criticism that Choes mistakes had harmed North Koreas prestige.

When speculation emerged in July that an agreement with the US was possible prior to the US presidential election, Choe issued a statement critical of Washington, claiming that [We] do not feel any need to sit face-to-face with the US and that there was no need for dialogue or dealings with Washington while hostile policy toward the DPRK disregarding the agreements already made at the past summit persist. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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