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Date : September 15, 2020
Lecture claims Seoul has been locked down
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/lecture-pyongyang-airport-employees-cl [786]
Lecture for Pyongyang airport workers claims Seoul has been locked down

The lecture criticized South Korea's "social distancing" campaigns while contrasting them with North Korea's efforts to fight COVID-19

A political lecture for employees of the Pyongyang International Airport Management Operations Bureau held on Saturday claimed that Seoul has been completely locked down due to the spread of COVID-19. 

The lecturer, a member of the local party committee, also told the audience that COVID-19 has again become widespread in South Korea.

According to the lecturer, the complete lock down of a city like Seoul has revealed the serious medical situation of South Chosun [South Korea] to the international community. The lecturer appears to have been criticizing South Koreas social distancing campaigns while contrasting them with North Koreas efforts to fight the disease. North Korea has completely shut down its borders – air, sea and land – since late January.

This is not the first time that North Korea has spread false information about South Korea to its people. The country has long held lectures claiming that South Korea is a capitalist dog-eat-dog society where innumerable people are dying because they cannot enter hospitals, according to the source. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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