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Date : October 14, 2020
New organization cracks down on SK goods
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/new-organization-cracks-down-south-kor [1141]
New organization cracks down on S. Korean goods on border

A new group to crack down on South Korea-made goods was created in Sinuiju and is staging raids on smugglers and peoples homes. The authorities have punished people buying and selling South Korean goods to warn off others in the past, but this recent crackdown seems much more intense than before. 

The new group mentioned by the source appears to be different from the June 27 Task Force, which is active in cracking down on the possession of illegal books and videos.

The Ministry of State Security created a unit cracking down on the smuggling, distribution and use of South Korean-made goods in late July and this group has been active in the Sino-North Korean border region since early August. The sources report about the creation of a new unit to crack down on anti-socialist activities recently suggests that North Korean authorities are further intensifying their crackdowns on the distribution and use of South Korean-made goods. .......

[Source: Daily NK]

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