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Date : November 27, 2012
Infant and Maternal Mortality Rates Rising
   http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/northkorea/2012/11/26/13/0401000000AEN [1374]
A South Korean aid group, Medical Aid for Children, reported on Monday that the Norths infant and maternal mortality rates have been rapidly rising over the last few years. According to the group, the collapse of medical services is to blame.
In 2008, the infant mortality rate sat at approximately 19.3 babies per 1,000 births. That figure contrasts with 1993s rate of 14.1. Unsurprisingly, the increase in infant mortality has also seen a rise in maternal deaths.
The aid group found through their research that 77 out of 100,000 mothers died during giving birth in North Korea during 2008. This rise in mortality rates is in contrast with 1993s maternal mortality rate which was only 54 out of 100,000.
"Many parts of North Korea are suffering from the collapse of medical services," the aid group said. The collapse of medical services is an ongoing concern during a time when the North has been affected by flooding, drought, and hunger.
Source: Yonhap News

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