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Date : December 12, 2012
Customs Houses Reopen
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10128 [1361]
According to Daily NK sources, the regime has been forced into a u-turn on their attempts to clamp down on cross-border trade during the mourning period for Kim Jong Il. The customs houses were opened again on the 10th, a source told the Daily NK.
The reopening of the border follows a spike in market prices and the exchange rates on the run up to the anniversary of the death of Kim Jong Il. The price of rice jumped up to 6,500 won and the exchange rate went up to 1,400 to the yuan. Public opinion on the issue is said to have cause the u-turn.
One source told the Daily NK that People got angry after the authorities announced without warning that trade with China would stop. The impact of the lack of trade on inflation is said to have led to discontent within citizens. The Daily NKs source added that, People are not prepared to tolerate this kind of sudden market measures at the moment.
Daily NK sources reported that there was immediate respite of lack of trade with rice, flour, clothing, fruit, and more coming through the customs houses.
Source: the Daily NK

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