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Date : December 10, 2012
Regime Restricts Activities during Mourning Period
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10119 [1082]
The North Korean regime has moved to restrict certain activities by releasing a set of regulations that must be observed during the mourning period before the first anniversary of Kim Jong Ils death. The mourning period is expected to end on the 18th, the day after the death of Kim Kong Il.
A source told the Daily NK that, Cell phone usage, alcohol consumption, traditional ceremonies, gambling and games, were all included on the list of regulations that were to be restricted during the mourning period. This follows various restrictions on travel implemented since the death of Kim Jong Il.
The mourning period is also being used to evaluate the life and works of Kim Jong Il. Since the beginning of the mourning period, the source for the Daily NK said that there were lectures and meetings taking place which were being used to extol the virtues and greatness of Kim Jong Il.
On the actual anniversary of the death, a number of events are due to take place. A memorial service will be held in Pyongyang. This is due to be televised between 10am and noon. The television broadcast will be followed by a period of silence. Regional events are expected to take place across the country in the afternoon. The statues of the leaders are expected to be places of pilgrimage for mourners.
Source: the Daily NK

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