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Date : December 7, 2012
10 North Korean High-Ranking Officials' Children Defected
   http://www.dailian.co.kr/news/news_view.htm?id=317362 [1502]
On the 6th, the internet newspaper, Dailian, reported that 10 children of high-ranking North Korean officials recently defected from North Korea.
A source from North Korea said that the North Korean regime dispatched 40 members of a special organization to foreign countries to capture the young elite group of defectors.
2 of the defectors who had not left Chinese soil for a third country were captured and repatriated to North Korea by this special organization. Another 4 of the defectors entered the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam. The rest of the defectors' whereabouts are still not known.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Korean Embassy in Vietnam said that they cannot give any information related to the defectors since it could endanger their lives.
It has also been reported that among the 10 defectors is the son of Kim Jong Gak, who was just  toppled from the director position of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces.
After Kim Jong Eun's succession of power, the new leader tried initially to show his friendly side. Suddenly, however, he has changed his attitude and is leading a reign of terror. Dailian delivered that the sudden change in Kim Jong Eun's mind might be found from inside North Korea.

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