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Date : May 15, 2012
North Korean Women Sold Into Slavery in China
   http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2012/0511/North-Korean-wom [1493]
Kim Eun Sun paid 2,000 yuan to have her family brought from North Korea into China. Once there she learned she had been sold as a bride to a Chinese farmer.
According to the Database Center for North Korea Human Rights 20,000 to 30,000 North Korean women are trapped in China in what many people consider a form of slavery.

Human rights organizations place some of the blame for this suffering on South Korean gangs. Working in conjunction with Koreans living in China, the gangs hold women against their will and pay them only enough to survive.

Ha Tae Keung, founder of Open Radio for North Korea, also reports that thousands of women are forced into dark rooms where they in internet chat rooms selling cyber and telephone sex.

Human rights organizations place some of the blame for this suffering on South Korean gangs. Working in conjunction with Koreans living in China, the gangs hold women against their will and pay them only enough to survive.

While no one can be certain, the market for North Korean women being into China may explain why nearly 80 percent of the 23,000 North Koreans who have defected to South Korea have been women.

Today, Kim Eun Sun travels around college campuses trying to raise awareness of the plight of North Korean women in China.

Kim says "I feel resentful there is small interest here, but I'm thankful for those who attend when I talk. I know I will work [to promote] North Korean issues when I'm in the US."

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