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Date : February 12, 2013
Camp No. 25 Grows in Size
   http://www.nkeconwatch.com/2013/02/11/camp-25-expanded/ [1312]
North Korean Economy Watch has reported for the second time in a matter of weeks of the possible extension of a political prison camp in the country. Camp No. 25 in Chongjin, North Hamgyeong Province is the latest political prison camp facility to have purportedly grown.
The expansion of Camp No. 25 includes a far larger security perimeter fence as well as increased numbers of security guard posts around the perimeter. Additionally, the camp has, according to the analysis of the Google images by North Korean Economy Watch, undergone renovations. The changes in the camp have extended to the outside as well as the entrance in to the camp has been moved to the main road.
Source: North Korean Economy Watch

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