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Date : February 6, 2013
Military Mobilization Limiting People's Movements
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10286 [1376]
The increased military mobilization in North Korea in recent days has led to limits being placed on the movement of civilians. The restrictions of movement is in response to the heightened sense of tension on the Korean peninsula following the North's successful missile launch and the subsequent expansion of UN sanctions.
A source told the Daily NK that the regime is clamping down on travel and traders operating illegally around the areas designated as legal marketplaces. The impact of the restrictions on the black market have caused citizens to become worried about access to food and fuel.
Due to members of the military not being given their full rations, citizens are also having to deal with increased amounts of pilfering by the troops. This is exacerbating existing food problems for locals.
Source: the Daily NK

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