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Date : February 3, 2013
IPCNKR Letter Urges COI Establishment at Human Rights Council
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk00100&num=10278 [1605]

The co-chair of the International Parliamentarians Coalition for North Korean Refugees and Human Rights (IPCNKR), the Saenauri Paarty's Hwang Woo Yea, has sent letters last Monday to the 46 UN Human Rights Council member states to encourage them to establish a Commission of Inquiry into crimes against humanity in North Korea.

The letter has been co-signed by fellow lawmakers in the U.S., Japan, and Poland. The letter follows the announcement of the Japanese government's support for a resolution that will establish a COI.

Hwang noted in the letter the systematic violations of human rights in North Korea. The letter says that, "Since taking power in 2011, Kim Jong Eun has signaled that he will strengthen the military and the regime will continue systematically violating the peoples human rights."

The UN Human Rights Council will meet in the next few weeks where it is hoped that the international support for a COI will lead to a resolution on the matter.

Source: Daily NK

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