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Date : January 31, 2013
Google Maps Show More Details of Prison Camps
   http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/01/30/2013013000791. [1503]
Google have updated their maps of North Korea to include far more detail of the country. The new updates include more details of the allegedly closed prison Camp 22 in the Hoeryong area.
As well as more details being displayed on the maps of some of the prison camps and nuclear facilities, the updated maps also show sports stadiums, restaurants, shopping centers, subways, hotels, and roads. Unfortunately, only Pyongyang and a few other cities have been updated.
The new maps also show more details of the Yodok, Hwansong, and Pukchang prison camps. Each of these camps is labeled as gulag on the new maps.
Google stated that the maps will continue to be updated to show more details.
Source: Chosun Ilbo

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