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Date : November 12, 2012
Defense Security Command Targeting Illicit Border Activities
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10010 [1385]
Inspections of the border guard units along the Chinese border by the Defense Security Command are underway in an attempt to crackdown on guards that assist in illicit activities.
A Daily NK source told the paper that Recently, a ranking officer and two of his men from the border guards that look after the Yalu River were caught helping a family of four to defect. Seizing on this opportunity, ten personnel from Defense Security Command were dispatched to inspect all border guard units one-by-one."
The source also said that, The inspection team is to crack down on those men who take money to facilitate smuggling, river crossings and defections, who neglect their duties or move drugs." The source revealed that,"They are starting where the incident occurred, and expanding from there.
The source revealed that the Defense Security Command was going to offer Party memberships and promotions in exchange for soldiers reporting any wrongdoings.
Source: Daily NK

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