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Date : January 9, 2013
Citizens Undergoing Questioning on Kim Jong Euns New Years Address
   http://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/speech-01072013214142.html [1813]
The intentions behind Kim Jong Euns New Years speech have been widely debated in the press. Unfortunately, for North Korean citizens, the speech has become a burden as citizens have been asked to study and memorize the speech, Radio Free Asia has reported.
The regime has dedicated the month of January to encouraging their citizens to undertake study of the speech. North Koreans living near the Chinese border have told Radio Free Asia that the people have been more or less asked to memorize the speech. The period for study began almost as soon as the speech was delivered.
North Korean residents told Radio Free Asia that workers, in particular, have faced a barrage of questions on issues that have sprung up from the speech. Regular workers are not the only members of society being asked questions about the speech.
The Radio Free Asia sources have said that even Workers Party members and workers were called to a Loyalty Oath Gathering where they were asked questions about the speech.
To ensure that as many people as possible could watch the address, the government apparently ordered for electricity supplies to work places to be shut down so that individual homes could watch the speech on television. The workers of the work places were seemingly instructed by their managers to watch the address.
Source: Radio Free Asia

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