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Date : April 14, 2013
Regime Clamping Down on Foreign Media
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10486 [1146]
The regime is targeting USBs in order to clamp down on foreign media ownership, according to the Daily NK.

USBs are used often to pass information around. In particular, movies and television dramas are commonly passed between people. The media is then accessed by plugging the USB into Chinese-made DVD players with USB capabilities.

A source told the Daily NK that the Ministry of Public Security issued orders to target USBs. The source stated that those in possession of unauthorised DVD players are having their televisions seized.

DVD players must be inspected by security agents before use. The USB ports are interfered with so that citizens cannot use them. A verification sticker is then placed on the DVD player to show that it can be used for domestic use.

Households are getting around the clamp down by storing their regime-sanctioned DVD player, using a second private DVD player, and then replacing the private DVD player with the verified DVD player whenever local cadres come round for inspection.

Source: Daily NK

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