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Date : February 18, 2013
North Koreas Absurd Propaganda on Nuke Test
   http://www.rfa.org/korean/in_focus/nk_nuclear_talks/gift-0214201309392 [934]

Radio Free Asia have reported that the North Korean authorities have started directing absurd propaganda at their citizens. The regime is claiming that North Korea is now receiving tribute from the United States and South Korea.

The North Korean authorities are now increasing the propaganda of the success of their nuclear test. They are also propagating their greatness to citizens. A source in North Korea said that the authorities led lectures and sent out broadcasts about their nuclear test and greatness to everyone. The source also reported that the authorities even sent out propaganda that now, when Kim Jong Eun orders something, many countries will pay tribute to him. However, the source said many people in North Korea are being left speechless about these absurd attempts at propaganda

Source: Radio Free Asia

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