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Date : March 12, 2013
Darusman Calls for Human Rights Probe
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Marzuki Darusman, the Special Rapporteur on human rights in North Korea, has delivered his report on human rights in North Korea to the United Nations Human Rights Council. The report calls for an inquiry into possible crimes against humanity in North Korea.
Mr. Darusman identified 9 possible areas of violations of human rights which are possibly tantamount to crimes against humanity in his report. He said, I believe that many, if not, all of these nine patterns, may amount to crimes against humanity, committed as part of systematic and/or widespread attacks against civilian population.
In particular, the report on human rights in North Korea finds problems with the violation of the right to food, torture and inhuman treatment, arbitrary detention, prison camps, discrimination, violations of freedom of __EXPRESSION__, violations of the right to life, violations of freedom of movement, and enforced disappearances.
Mr Darusman went on to say that, I call for the establishment of an inquiry mechanism with adequate resources to investigate and document grave, systematic and widespread violations of human rights, and report to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly, to examine the issue of institutional and personal accountability for such violations, in particular where they amount to crimes against humanity.
Source: OHCHR

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