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Date : September 9, 2013
Food Distribution to Only Pyongyang
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10936 [708]
North Korea continues its economic discrimination in celebration of September 9th, the anniversary of the founding of North Korea. According to a source, party cadres explained that Kim Jong Eun decided to distribute the rice to the people of Pyongyang and that they ought to show loyalty for his generosity. People outside of Pyongyang, however, have not received such rations.
The unequal food distribution has created inflationary pressure on food prices in provincial public markets.  Rice prices in Pyongyang have dropped to 4500 won whereas rice prices in Hyesan are nearing 6000 won. Traders seeking to travel to Pyongyang for cheap rice have been barred.
Source: Daily NK

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