Inspection teams made up of political university students have begun patrolling the Sino-North Korean border and making arrests causing unease in the region. A Daily NK source in Yangkang Province stated, Ministry of Public Security inspection teams made up of political university students are conducting checks. Four families have been arrested in the Tapseong-dong district of Hyesan alone for aiding defection. The source added that inspectors have begun visiting different households and inquiring about the precise whereabouts of all absent family members. Disappearances are automatically treated as attempted defections to South Korea. The goal of the inspections is to treat defection, smuggling and even remitting money as anti-state crimes and to dole out punishments accordingly. Ahead of the recent dispatch of university students, the state issued four guidelines to outline the crimes that would be dealt with harshly including: attacking the reputation of Kim Jong Eun, superstitious activities including Christianity, drug crimes, and the production, sale, circulation, and use of foreign dramas and films.