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Date : January 6, 2014
North Koreans Speak: 2013 in Review
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=11340&cataId=nk01500 [1263]
The Daily NK contacted three North Korean citizens by phone in the days immediately following Kim Jong Euns televised New Years address to gauge public opinion about the Kim regime and life in North Korea. The three North Korean citizens commented on food security, the execution of Jang Song Taek, loyalty to Kim Jong Eun, and the future outlook for North Korea. In regards to food security, the 2013 harvest was noted to be particularly plentiful compared to previous years; however, the interviewees commented that still there was nothing left over for farmers. One cooperative farmer noted, We pour our heart and soul into our work because we are responsible for the nations rice pot, but there are spider webs on the rice pots in our own houses. 
Jang Song Taeks execution was discussed and the men seemed to agree that the event would lead to attempts to increase loyalty for Kim Jong Euns regime. A trader in Hyesan, Yangkang Province commented that when the news broke, some people questioned how someone in a position of national responsibility could act so poorly. After the execution, he commented that North Korean citizens were kept busy with mandatory meetings that urged loyalty to Kim Jong Eun. A cooperative farmer further suggested that 2014 will center upon unification and solidarity within the party and that ideological training will increase in the wake of the execution. 

The Daily NK posed the question, What do you hope for in 2014, which generated particularly poignant responses. A trader commented that, Whatever we wish for wont come true. He then continued saying that, If I have to say something, there should be no controls on the markets or controls that disrupt everyday life. These days they are giving out rations, but it would be better if they just stopped controlling the markets. Another interviewee commented that rations need to be distributed in their entirety especially to farmers. He called for the authorities to stop walking off with military rice, capital city rice, and loyalty rice.

A mid-level party cadre commented on Chinese investment in North Korea saying that there has been collaboration with China at the Musan Mine in North Hamkyung, and the lives of the everyday people and miners have improved a lot. The fixed quantity of rations has risen in the area and each month a large amount of flour and oil is given out as wages, making the people happy. Interestingly, the party member stated that in the beginning the increase in rations and wages were attributed to Jang Song Taek but now its said that this was a mistake. People are certainly confused in the region. 

When asked what they thought about the Supreme Leader Kim Jong Eun, some expressed concern over whether the young leader could properly managed the nation and whether he was fully up to the task in the way that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il were. The mid-level party cadre commented that if North Korea doesnt open up like China, then people will eventually starve. He called for North Korea to open its door but suggested that Kim Jong Eun will not allow this to happen.   

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