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Date : February 16, 2015
N.Koreas Child soldiers reaches Million, must be stopped
   http://www.dailynk.com/korean/read.php?cataId=nk00100&num=105547 [1431]

International Non-governmental Organizations urged North Korea to stop recruit children into the armed forces, Radio Free Asia reported on 12th. Child Soldiers International is an international Non-governmental Organization, headquartered in United Kingdom.

The organization claimed that North Korea is recruiting children aged 16, 17 into the armed forces, must raise the minimum enlistment age from 16 to 18, which is agreed by United Nations.

The organization added that Still around 30 countries including North Korea havent signed on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. North Korea must agree on the adoption and implementation of international legal standards protecting children from military recruitment.

[Source: Daily NK]

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