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Date : January 29, 2015
Bunjo Quotas Leave Farmers with Little
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=12833&cataId=nk01500 [1374]
Two years have passed since North Korea introduced the bunjo [cooperative farm production unit] system in parts of the country, falling under policies outlined in the June 28th Measures," but farmers have reportedly not been able to receive their full shares of the yield, the Daily NK has learned. This is because shares are being calculated based on production targets as opposed to actual output, according to a local source. 

North Korea stipulated in its June 28th Measures plans for the state to establish a new economic management system in its own style. Under the new system, production units on cooperative farms shrank from groups of 10-25, to smaller factions [pojeon] of 4-6 members. The state receives 70% of the target production, with farmers taking 30% and any surplus if targets are exceeded.   

Municipal, county, and provincial party cadres, concerned about the prospect of being held accountable if unable to meet the annual quota laid out by the Ministry of Agriculture, report their figures exclusively using the numbers from pojeon with exceptionally favorable output. Because of this, false figures have been accumulating over the years [targets are based on a moving three-year average of production], raising the bar for production and seeing farmers fall victim.

He added that despite the fact that most bunjo comprise members of the same family, suggesting potential for working more systematically, production did not see the dramatic rise that was predicted, and the lackluster surplus means there is even less to go around. 

[Source: Daily NK]

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