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Date : January 29, 2015
North Korean teenagers punished for watching South Korean media
   http://www.dailynk.com/korean/read.php?cataId=nk04505&num=105452 [1296]
Recently North Korea has been very keen on preventing Korean wave spread in all directions among teenagers. 

The source from South Pyeong-an Province claimed that South Korean culture is extremely popular among North Koreans, despite the regimes efforts to suppress its popularity. adding that Recently a group of students watching south korean movie have been caught, after a tip-off from one of the students. They punished harshly.

The source told that some teenagers are almost addicted to South Korean videos and songs, which leads them to moral education sessions. The censorship groups in the school often considers this as a serious crime and strictly punishes those who watched korean movies. By planting spies in school, authorities made spying culture to make students watch each other.

[Source: Daily NK]

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