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Date : October 10, 2014
North Korea Defends Rights Record at UN Briefing
   http://www.voanews.com/content/north-korea-defends-human-rights-record… [1344]
North Korea is defending its human rights record, even while acknowledging it runs labor camps that have been slammed by rights groups as inhumane.

The comments came Tuesday during a rare briefing with reporters and foreign diplomats at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

North Korean foreign ministry official Choe Myong Nam repeated his country's long-standing assertion there are no prison camps, where tens of thousands of people are believed to be held. 

But he acknowledged the existence of reform-through-labor detention centers, where he said "people are improved through their mentality and look upon their wrongdoings."

He also slammed the U.N. report as "wild rumors and fictions," calling it a dishonest and hostile attempt to tarnish North Korea and overthrow its government.

He acknowledged North Korea may suffer economic problems, but said even these are the fault of "external forces," a reference to international sanctions imposed on the communist state.


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