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Date : September 14, 2014
North Korea Sentences American to 6 Years of Hard Labor
   http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/15/world/asia/north-korea-sentences-ame [2286]
The Supreme Court in North Korea on Sunday sentenced one of the three Americans known to be held in the country to six years of hard labor for committing hostile acts against the North.

North Korea said the American, Matthew Todd Miller, of Bakersfield, Calif., committed the crime while entering the country on a tourist visa in April, according to the official Korean Central News Agency.

The news agency gave no further details of the trial than photographs that showed Mr. Miller in the defendant's seat in the courtroom with his eyes downcast, and flanked by uniformed security officials.

North Korea had earlier accused Mr. Miller of unruly behavior, saying that he tore up his visa at the Pyongyang airport and demanded asylum. In earlier interviews with The Associated Press and CNN, which were conducted while North Korean officials were present, Mr. Miller had said he apologized for his crime but did not discuss whether he asked for asylum.

Relying on the Swedish Embassy to represent the interests of the three Americans, Washington has repeatedly offered to send its envoy for North Korean human rights issues, Robert R. King, to Pyongyang to bring the three home. North Korea did not agree to see him, apparently seeking bigger concessions from Washington, like a visit by a more prominent American.

While Washington tries to deepen North Koreas isolation, North Korea appears intent on using the fate of Americans held there as leverage to force Washington to engage in negotiations.


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