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Date : April 15, 2014
How much longer will the North Korean regime last?
   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/10752524/How [1995]

How much longer will North Korea's regime last?
Do North Koreans really believe the government propaganda?
Is there anything to miss about North Korea? 
Can North Koreans cope with capitalism? 

These are four questions put to ten North Korean defectors in a survey to shed new light on the Hermit Kingdom. Those who took part included students, a former government official, a retired soldier, a professor, a propagandist, and a journalist. While the answers were varied, they revealed widespread cynicism of the state media, a nostalgia for the innocence of North Korean society, a positive outlook on adjustment to capitalism, and splits over whether the country can keep going, and for how long.

Source: The Telegraph

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