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Date : September 7, 2014
Task Force Forms to Find Defector Group
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=12277&cataId=nk01500 [1118]
The North Korean authorities have launched a task force to track down any residents who abetted the "three-family defection" last month. A group of 16 North Koreans defected across the country's border with China in North Hamkyung Province in August, after which they made their way safely to Thailand.

A source in North Hamgyung Province reported to Daily NK on September 5th, Because of the 'three-family defection' last month, the task force is out to track down anyone associated with the incident. 

Reeling from the mass defection incident, the heads of people's units [Inminban] tried to convince residents that the group would be caught and severely punished. A different source in Hamheung City, North Hamgyung Province reported that since then, these efforts have been ratcheted up significantly.

As long as we can remember they've been saying things like that, but its never actually come to fruition, so nobody believes theyll track down the defectors to Thailand and bring them back," he said. 

However, some are concerned that the increased surveillance network imposed by the task force will extend to all residents, not just to families with members who have defected. This is a grounded  fear, considering that no members of the three-family defection were known to have relatives in the South, which has posed the biggest threat to the shocked authorities. 

The source agreed, concluding, "The SSD is going to increase surveillance of us all, even on those who have no connections to defectors."


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