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Date : January 7, 2014
Birthday Candy Produced for Children
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=11347 [1462]
Gift packs of candy, gum and biscuits have been produced for presentation to North Korean children in honor of Kim Jong Euns birthday on January 8th. It is tradition for children to receive gifts on the birthdays of the ruling Kim family; however, the snacks tend to be of poor quality and are not always appreciated. According to a source for the Daily NK, a significant portion of the ingredients for the snacks are siphoned off by the cadres overseeing the supply chain process. This means that the product quality is often much lower than that of Chinese snacks on sale in public markets. The source recalled, Last year there was hair in some of the candies, and, worse still, they tasted a bit like sand. She followed saying, Some people were quite sarcastic about it, saying that it is as if they put sand in them so that our small children wont fly off in the wind and that Chinese people are already fat so they arent worried about being blown away, and therefore there is no sand in their snacks.

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