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Date : December 30, 2013
North Korean Dissidents Inspired by Radio Program
   http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/12/30/2013123001352. [1134]
Kim Seung-chul of North Korea Reform Radio reported to Chosun Ilbo on Sunday that he received a call for help from two North Korean dissidents in China. The pair reported listening to Kims radio station for five years with a hand-made receiver and then launched a pro-democracy group in North Korea. One of the men reported that the broadcasts inspired him to think about how to improve North Korea. He said they printed anti-regime leaflets based on the broadcasts and scattered them in markets and streets. They decided to flee after one of their members was arrested in early November. The men escaped through China, are currently in Thailand and expected to arrive in South Korea next month.

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