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Date : December 24, 2013
Jang's Family Transferred to Prison Camps
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=11296 [1770]
The Daily NK reports that a substantial number of Jang Song Taeks blood relatives have been transferred to political prisons following his execution. A few hundred people from the Pyongchon area of Pyongyang, where Jang Song Taeks family lived, were taken to political prison camps the night of December 13th. A Daily NK source claims that not only were his close relatives taken away but distant relatives as well. It is unclear whether his family members will be executed or permanently incarcerated.  

The source also reported that once news of Jangs arrest by secret police spread some people who were worried about potential links and associations volunteered to take part in revolutionization by laboring on farms or in mines. This suggests that self-imposed punishments can some times function to soften harsher party mandated punishments. It would be rare, however, for many of Jang Song Taeks associates to escape in this manner. 

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