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Date : December 24, 2013
Enforcing Resolutions of Loyalty
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=11303 [1247]
According to a Daily NK report, North Korean civilians have been instructed to write resolutions of loyalty to the regime in the wake of the execution of Jang Song Taek. This move suggests the regimes fear of domestic civil unrest following recent purges. According to a Daily NK source, in North Hamkyung Province members of the Workers Party and Federation of Trade Unions were told that they should write resolutions stating that they would be loyal to Kim Jong-un and then hand them in. The source continued saying that immediately following the execution of Jang Song Taek citizens viewed his execution as a bit severe, but recently public opinion has turned in favor of Kim Jong-un's actions. This goes to show how hard authorities are working to enforce loyalty to Kim Jong-un.  

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