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Date : June 26, 2014
Report: N. Korea Holding Fewer Political Prisoners
   http://www.voanews.com/content/report-n-korea-holding-fewer-political- [1394]

The number of political prisoners in North Korea is significantly lower than previously thought; according to the Korea Institute for National Unification, South Korea's state-run research institute.

The number of political prisoners in the North has dropped drastically from between 150,000 and 200,000 to between 80,000 and 120,000.

Based on in-depth interviews with some 240 North Korean defectors, KINUs white paper noted that one of the six prison camps in North was shut down in May 2012.

However, the shirking number of prison camps and prisoners is a result of an increase in deaths from forced labor and a ban on childbirth inside the camps, not because of shift in Pyongyang's policy.

Furthermore, the white paper noted that public executions of those charged with drug-related crimes increased in 2012 and the year after due to an insufficient medical system , bureaucracy, and prevalent psychological despair in the rigidly controlled society.

KINU also pointed out gross human rights violations against North Korean expats. The institute estimates some 45,000 North Koreans are working overseas and the expats work an average of 16 hours a day and give roughly 80 to 90 percent of their wages to Kim Jong-un's regime..

The think-tank urged the international community to take interest in the issue, as cash-strapped Pyongyang relies more heavily on the community of overseas North Koreans for foreign currency.


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