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Date : June 17, 2014
Musan Teenager Kills Two over Remitted Cash
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=11972&cataId=nk01500 [984]

A couple in the northerly border town of Musan was murdered by a third family member in a fight over remittances from China or South Korea, according to Daily NK.

An inside source familiar with the situation said that a teenager of around 18 killed his uncle and aunt because of the remitted cash sent from China by his family. He added that, "He graduated from school and became an adult, so he told them that he would manage the money for himself. But the uncle and aunt told him he couldnt and consequently it turned into a fight."

The source went on to mention that, "Punishments for taking remitted from defectors have been ramped up since the start of this year, so the young guy is likely to face serious flack too."

Last year a similar case occurred in Musan as well. According to reports a doctor murdered four people to cover his tracks after the State Security Department received information that he was acting as a middleman for families receiving money from South Korea.

Since state distribution remains highly unreliable even at state enterprises, North Hamkyung Province is particularly vulnerable to this type of crime.


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