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Date : June 16, 2014
Officers Unhappy at Lack of Opportunity
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=11960&cataId=nk01500 [1134]

Security service staff working along the border between North Korea and China are growing increasingly annoyed at attempts by the central government to strengthen border controls in the region. 

These security service staff had become accustomed to receiving bribes from those seeking protection in the act of defection, those smuggling goods into and out of the country, and those facilitating remittances from abroad. 

Tighter border controls has led to an inability to generate supplementary income by these means, causing discontent and complaint among the security service staff. The Kim Jong Un regime has been seeking to cement internal security since it came to power. As part of this, it is seeking to strengthen the nation's borders in order to block information coming in from the outside. 


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