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Date : December 9, 2014
UNSC considers NK rights situation as a potential agenda
   http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/05/us-northkorea-un-idUSKCN0JJ1 [1735]

Members of the UN Security Council gathered on Friday to ask for the rights situation in North Korea to be included in the councils agenda. Sharing the belief that the crimes against humanity are urgent and severe in North Korea, ten members agreed to push for the adoption of the issue as the Security Councils agenda.

A letter drafted by Australia was signed by ten of the Security Councils 15 members including Australia, Chile, France, Jordan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, South Korea, Rwanda, Britain and the United States.

UN Security Council requires majority support to add a new item to the councils agenda. China is likely to cast a veto to the proposal, but it cannot block having the rights situation added to the council agenda.


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