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Date : January 25, 2023
Yanggang-do cracks down on professors demanding money
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/yanggang-province-professors-demanding [397]
Yanggang Province cracks down on professors demanding money and gifts 

Yanggang Province authorities have begun looking into the practice of professors giving their students so-called non-tax burdens, Daily NK has learned.

A source in Yanggang Province told Daily NK on Tuesday that the provinces party committee launched a fact-finding mission on Jan. 5 after learning that local university professors forced non-tax burdens on their students at the start of the new year.

According to the source, the provincial party committee called the practice of professors forcing non-tax burdens on their students non-socialist behavior that makes a mess of the sacred teachers platform and launched efforts to learn about the practice that has reportedly plagued campuses from the start of the new year.

In fact, provincial party officials have reportedly been visiting local universities and calling in university department cell secretaries, class presidents and ordinary university students to the university party committee office for one-on-one discussions. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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