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Date : December 13, 2022
NK publicly executes 2 teenagers for distributing SK movies
   https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/by-hyemin-son-for-rfa-korean-12 [830]
North Korea publicly executes 2 teenagers for distributing South Korean movies

North Korea has publicly executed three teenagers by firing squad – two for watching and distributing South Korean movies and one for murdering his stepmother – two sources who witnessed it told Radio Free Asia.

The alleged crimes committed by the teens, estimated to be 16 or 17, were equally evil, authorities told terrified residents, who were forced to watch, the sources said.

They said, Those who watch or distribute South Korean movies and dramas, and those who disrupt social order by murdering other people, will not be forgiven and will be sentenced to the maximum penalty–death, a resident of the city of Hyesan, on the border with China, where the execution took place, told RFAs Korean service.

The execution took place in October at an airfield in the city, the resident said.

Hyesan residents gathered in groups at the runway, she said. The authorities put the teen-aged students in front of the public, sentenced them to death, and immediately shot them. ......

[Source: RFA]

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