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Date : September 30, 2022
Ministry of State Security agents to inspect cell phones on streets
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/ministry-state-security-officers-inspe [490]
Ministry of State Security agents to inspect cell phones on streets 

Since September 10th, officers from the Ministry of State Security are randomly inspecting peoples phones on the street in North Koreas border regions. Furthermore, people were surprised to see officers from the Ministry of State Security conducting these inspections themselves, rather than police officers. 

Officers suddenly show up when citizens were about to make a phone call, which is hard to make at home due to weak signal indoors, grab the phone from their hands, check who they were talking to and finally inspect text messages and video files. 

Authorities made this move hoping to prevent internal information and state secrets from leaking outside. 

[Source: Daily NK]

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