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Date : September 29, 2022
NK tells people to refrain from throwing T-shirts with countrys flag away
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-tells-people-refrain-throw [653]
N. Korea tells people to refrain from throwing T-shirts with countrys flag away

North Korean authorities recently ordered people to bring T-shirts emblazoned with the countrys flag to special state-run agencies when they fray rather than throwing them away.

North Korea is currently distributing T-shirts emblazoned with the flag as a way to encourage patriotism among young people. 

A source in North Korea told Daily NK on Monday that the state has mass produced about 70 kinds of clothing articles with the national flag.

An order has been handed down that if these pieces of clothing should become entirely frayed, they should be sold to state-run purchase centers in each district as waste fabric, he said. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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