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Date : April 19, 2015
Sowing Season Surveillance Picks Up
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=13111  [1198]
The North Korean authorities have ordered the deployment of inspection teams along its borders to tighten surveillance and stamp out peoples attempts to escape the country. They have also increased personnel in the area and introduced cutting-edge surveillance equipment, according to a local source. 
 Because of the new directive, the guards have installed inspection posts with telescopes in various places in order to watch over the movements of anyone approaching the river and even those going about their daily farming, the source said. At night they work in groups of three, and these dozens of teams patrol the riverbanks on 15-minute rotations." 
This high-tech equipment has made placing overseas phone calls all the more difficult. The authorities have even installed solar energy batteries to continue operating these mobile phone radio wave detectors and signal jammers in the face of power shortages, he explained. A few days ago, someone was caught red handed for talking to a relative in Canada for 10 minutes because everything was recorded on the detector. 
Security agents carry out inspections of residents from other districts and regions around the clock and inminban [peoples unit] heads and members of the Chosun Democratic Womens Union have been mobilized to step up surveillance on those within their jurisdiction during the day.   

 [Source: Daily NK]

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