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Date : October 22, 2015
S. Korean Official: UN Seeks New Action Over N. Korea Human Rights
   http://www.voanews.com/content/south-korean-officials-says-un-seeks-ne [1500]
The United Nations is seeking renewed ways to charge North Korean officials to the International Court of Justice (ICC), VOA (Voice of America) reported on Wednesday. 

The resolution calling for the North Korean human rights situation to be referred to the ICC is expected to be drafted by the U.N. General Assemblys Third Committee, which previously had faced opposition by China and Russia in the Security Council. 

The new resolution is calling on the U.N. to make all possible efforts to improve the North Koreas human rights situation through the Security Council. Earlier this month, Marzuki Darusman, the U.N.s special rapporteur on human rights in North Korea, also called on the U.N. body to take action.

The resolution being discussed also calls to support field offices activities of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The U.N. human rights office opened a field in Seoul in June to investigate the North Korean human rights situation. North Korea has made repeated threats against South Korea for hosting the office.

The latest U.N. resolution is likely to draw strong protests from Pyongyang, which rejects international criticism of its human rights record. The United Nations has adopted a human rights resolution against Pyongyang every year since 2005.

[Source: Voice of America]

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