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Date : July 28, 2015
Security Agency Increasing Surveillance
   http://www.dailynk.com/korean/read.php?cataId=nk04500&num=106608 [1584]

Upcoming Workers Party's 70th Anniversary leads to Security Agency Increasing Surveillance

North Korean authorities have reportedly delivered an instruction to the provincial Party offices and the Sate Security Department to severely punish even the slightest offense due to the upcoming 70th party anniversary on October 10th.

The Party and prosecution were ordered to raise their level of function and responsibility and to severely punish "every kind of crime involving corruption" to which order was added that not only the citizen who made the crime but also the worker's related administrative agencies should take ruthless punishment for the crime committed.

According to Daily NK's source, in the case that a crime is not detected when it occurs, not only will the Party cadres and agents of the SSD, who are in charge of the city or county, take responsibility but, in the case of a factory business worker committing a crime, the responsible unit's party secretary, the manager and the associated SSD agents is to be punished.

North Korean citizens say that "the more the Security agencies surveillance and control intensifies the more complaints will rise," and that "people are wary of everyone around them as a criminal because if one person commits a crime, everyone around the perpetrator becomes suspect."

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